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Science Department List

Allen Katherine G-12 AITR Biology, Enviro
Bundza Kelli L-01 Biology Cotaught w/Keating, Pre-IB Bio 1
Cooney Anne D-03 AP Chem, IB Chem, IB Physics, Pre-IB Chem
Ernst Michael D-02 Chem 1 Hon, AP Physics
Gors Lilly D-10 Biology Cotaught w/Keating, Bio 1 Honors
Harper Joy D-05 Enviro, Chem 1
Johnson  Michael O-39 AP Bio, Bio 1 Hon
Kerney Linda D-04 Pre-IB Chem, IB Chem 1, IB Chem 2
Kohl Kristian O-37 IB Bio 2, IB Bio 3, Pre-IB Bio 1
McFarland Brad O-35 Enviromental Science
Platt Joshua O-40 AP Enviro, IB Enviro
Roos Andrew D-09 Enviro, Anat & Physio
Smiley Walters Sarah O-42 Pre-IB Bio 1, IB Bio 2
Stoute Nicholas D-01 Chem 1 Hon, Pre-IB Chem 1, Physical Science
Williams Avera O-34 Marine Science